Equality & Diversity
Committed to the
principle of fairness for all
Release Potential is committed to the principle of fairness for all. The Company aims encompass an intention to ensure that all staff and learners have an equitable and fair opportunity to maximise their potential.
We are committed to ensuring that people feel valued, included and feel that they are treated with respect. Release Potential will create and maintain an environment in which diversity is valued.

The Company will seek to:
Eliminate unlawful discrimination by incorporating equality duties into its policies and practices at all levels and fostering an ethos of respect and tolerance in all its members.
Advance equality of opportunity by enabling all members to access services of the highest standard, regularly maintaining and checking that no groups are disadvantaged.
Foster good relations by celebrating diversity, acting to resolve issues including discrimination and promoting the values of diversity and equality in all members.

This commitment to equality and diversity underpins and influences all areas of Company activity. We want all staff and learners, whatever their backgrounds, to have a fair and equitable chance to learn, develop and to succeed.
It is essential that we know the different factors and influences on a learner or a member of staff which make them feel included, motivated and valued so that we can support them to be the best that they can be.
It is important that everyone understands that good equality, diversity and inclusion (EDI) practice is actually a key determinant of success for our Company.
We have an E&D Steering Group who meet once a month to ensure that Equality & Diversity is embedded into the culture of Release Potential.
The group is committed to ensuring and promoting equality of opportunity for all and is therefore opposed to discrimination on any grounds, including race, religion, gender, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, age, or any unjustifiable criteria.
RP have a EDI steering group and their role is to:

Raise awareness of Equality and Diversity

Raise awareness of relevant EDI policies

Encourage individuals to speak up regarding EDI issues and concerns

Demonstrate positive behaviours to colleagues, partners and service users

Constructively challenge those who discriminate, harass, speak or behave inappropriately.
We also have ten Mental Health First Aiders whose job is to pin point individuals to the relevant help required should they or someone they know be suffering from any kind of mental health problem.