E.V. – Civil Service Learner

Before joining the course, E.V. was unemployed. She found out about the training thanks to her Work Coach, and decided it was an opportunity needed to take to help gaining a job. Operating now as a Fraud Analysist at a bank, E.V. has said that the training received on the course helped to understand the process of applying for Civil Service roles. Read below to hear more!

What were you doing before you started the programme?
I was unemployed before joining the course. Prior to this I had worked for the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors as a Billing Administrator, experienced a short period of unemployment (during which I took an IT course) and before that worked for BNP Paribas, the French banking group, as a Debt Collector for three years. This was my first job after graduating from university. I hold a master’s degree in Investment and Finance from Westminster University.

How did you find out about the training?
Through an appointment at Birmingham Jobcentre with my Work Coach, Marcos. At the time I wasn’t even aware of the Civil Service as a sector.

Why did you decide to join?
I thought it was an opportunity I needed to take, and in a way, I didn’t have a choice. I had been focussing on looking for work in the private sector, which was my background, and was curious to find out more about the Civil Service. I thought taking part in the course could help me secure a job at the end.

What did you think of the training? How did it help you?
It wasn’t what I was expecting. I already had a background in customer service from my role debt collecting, so it was an opportunity to refresh my knowledge. It was a challenge to answer the detailed workbooks. It was good to meet the guest speaker on the course, Trish, who provided a useful insight into what it is like to work in the Civil Service. Overall, the course was a positive experience which helped me to understand the process involved in applying for Civil Service roles, which will also help me in the future. I had the opportunity to review my CV, and benefit from someone else’s feedback.

Were there any barriers or obstacles you had to overcome?
No, I didn’t feel I had any barriers, I just needed to try and find a job.

What are you doing now?
I’m employed as a Fraud Analyst with a large bank. It is a ‘working from home role’ in the main. After I’ve completed my training, I’ll be supporting both personal and business clients.

What impact has the training had on your life?
The training had an overall positive impact on me. It was good to wake up every morning and know I had something positive to do. It provided me with an opportunity to interact with and listen to other people. I now understand how the Civil Service application and recruitment process works.

What are your plans for the future?
I hope to stay with my current employer as long as possible. I wanted to gain employment with a bank again, as that is what my background is. I’ll have to wait and see, but I’m hoping there might be opportunities to progress further along the line.

What would you say to someone who was thinking about doing the training but wasn’t sure?
I would say to go for it! The course provides a positive opportunity and a good experience that can help you. You can always learn new things in life.

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